We are still waiting for the right weather window to head out into the ocean, so for a diversion and to prevent a crew uprising Pat approved a day trip into Manhattan. We wanted to make the most of the day so we left the boat at 7 AM.
First item of business was catching the ferry over to Manhattan. We were planning to take the bus but at dinner the other night the Ogdens said the ferry would be quicker. The ferry had not occurred to us as we don't really see boats as a very fast way to get anywhere. But this one had a big motor and we were across the Hudson and on the ground at 39th St in 10 minutes.
(Note to Pat: Let's get a bigger motor.)
Next up was a quick bus ride to Times Square to see the sights. Here we are being all boat cool at Times Square. Rob couldn't believe I'd give my camera to some guy in NYC to take our photo until I pointed out he was with his wife and baby in a stroller. I said we'd never catch the guy but we'd for sure get the baby.

We stopped at Smiler's for bagels and then headed for Rockefeller Center to go to the Top Of The Rock, another suggestion from the Ogdens as a way to avoid the hordes at the Empire State Building. It has the added advantage of letting you see the ESB, which of course you can't do when you are in it...
Here are Rob and Pat on top (it was kind of cloudy and rainy for a bit). Tom had to be like Spiderman and climb up a wall to take this photo.

And, here is a photo of the marina across the Hudson where we left Remedios for the day. Our marina is off on the other side just to the right of that red building that is going up. We could check on the boat using the zoom on our cameras but we won't bore you with the video...
And finally, here is the Empire State Building with the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in the background to the left. The VNB is where the NYC Marathon starts and it is also where we will pass under as we head out into the ocean. You can also see the Statue of Liberty off to the right. We will travel by that great landmark too and will try to take a picture.
We wandered around the area for a bit and admired the sculptures and fountains. Rob named this one "Plan B to France."
After we got out on the street we saw this messy scene. NBC had one of their Friday morning concerts and we found out WE JUST MISSED LADY GAGA. I haven't seen Rob that heartbroken since I dropped the last bottle of beer and broke it. We had to promise him a ride on a train to make up for it.
Here is Rob on the subway (he thought he was going on a REAL train which is why he looks rather stoic at this point) as we head up to 72nd and Central Park West to visit the John Lennon memorial called Strawberry Fields. The park was cool and quiet and a nice place to stop for a bit - a sad place, kind of, but nice.
We walked by the Dakota where Yoko Ono still lives and worked our way through the upper west side to visit Zabar's. It was our last chance to get a few cooking tools, some coffee, snacks, and radioactive meat that supposedly will survive months at sea and augment our supply of Tom-purchased tofu that Rob can not get out of his head.
Next we hopped the #1 train to visit Grand Central Station. We had to go to 42nd Street and then take the connector over to Grand Central. We were getting pretty cocky at this point about our ability to handle anything Manhattan threw our way. The ocean (remember the ocean?) is still another story. Here are Rob and Pat in the main lobby of Grand Central doing their best boat cool thing.
Next up (take a deep breath, it's not even noon yet) was to get back on the subway and head to the main nautical chart store in lower Manhattan. This was a chance for us to look over their ocean charts and get one or two more for our collection and route planning. Here are Rob and Pat at the chart store.
Next stop was for lunch and we just had to eat local, and fast, because we knew if we sat down we'd never get up. Here are Rob and Pat eating a healthy lunch in a relaxed setting. Pat even has the Zabar's bag front and center to help us blend in with the locals.
Next up was the World Trade Center site and memorial. This photo is of a room where those who lost loved ones in the attack could post pictures. It is the only memorial site I have ever been to that has boxes of Kleenex at the ready at all times. It was heartbreaking to see all the photos, this huge random collection of images, of people who died because they went to work that day.
Next up was Greenwich Village, to take in "The Scene" and be like locals. Here are Rob and Pat at the corner table, tired of being relentlessly pursued by photographers, sitting at a sidewalk cafe on Bleeker Street. Nice place, quiet, great people watching, cool ambiance, pleasant conversation, and $8 beers.
Next up, (Are you getting tired of this? We were ready to DROP!) Dinner.
We went to a small restaurant in the village that Tom knew from his past MGI life and NY trade shows called Restaurant Sevilla. Remember this one, Peggy and Maggie? It's a Spanish place with seafood paella and sangria. Yummy.
And finally, our last subway ride back to the ferry terminal, back on the ferry, and back on lovely Remedios where we could sit and look back on the city. We did that for about 10 minutes and were in bed by 9 PM, if I recall correctly...