Thursday, July 15, 2010

Update from the Sailors

Here is an update received yesterday from Remedios:

Right now the sun is shining and the winds are blowing at a little over 25 knots. We have already seen dolphins, flying fish and a variety of sea birds. We have also been hit by several squalls packing winds over 40 knots and we came through them well. So far, we have not had time or conditions to sit and enjoy a movie and popcorn. Swells running over ten feet have kept us from trying that. In our first three full days we have made good time and learned a few truths...

Sea sickness does not feel better the more times you have it.
One of us can hold two full stomach surges in our mouth before it is absolutely necessary to find the rail or the head.
Time spent in thought while alone on night watch is not always good.
Twenty one days on the water are a lot longer than thinking about 21 days on the water while sitting at home.
Constantly doing the cabin dance in these conditions means getting exercise is not a problem.
All three of us has have had a full saltwater bath on the foredeck, and none of us enjoyed the experience.
A beating delivered by a flailing jib sheet is equivalent to a cane thrashing.
Hot meals planned in the dead of winter sound better than hot meals made in an 87 degree cabin.
Sometimes, moving at 8 knots can feel way too fast.
There is nobody, we mean nobody, out here.
Gee, sounds like they're having a really good time, doesn't it?!

Posted by Peggy on behalf of Pat, Rob and Tom, aboard Remedios, Atlantic Ocean


  1. Yikes. Sounds like somebody needs a hug.
    As John Lennon said - Reality leaves alot to the imagination.

  2. We miss you Dr C!!! You need to shave!
    Remember you promised me that you would stay safe, I am holding you to that! Jill

  3. We just got back from Gloucester, Mass. The first person to solo across the Atlantic was from there. He did it on a dare in a 20' open dory in 1876. He capsized once. He stopped ships he saw on the way to find out where he was. Of course he was only 30 years old...

    Bill and Em

  4. Hey there, Jill. We have arrived safely in Horta. Please say hi to everyone at NSFP for me! Oh, my kids don't want me to shave until I get back to the US. It could be good for me. In December I hope to get a temp job as Santa at a Florida shopping mall. With the way that sea rations are causing me to lose weight, I will need a lot of padding. Dr. "Sea"
