Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rockin' on Remedios

A short update from our sailors - apparently in these conditions, it's rather difficult to type!

We've experienced three days with wind on our nose and without seeing the sun. No fun. Yet, now we are almost at our next destination. We should arrive in Nazare on the Portugal coast sometime Friday, although it's still hard to tell. This leg has been a struggle almost all the way. Even the boat is creaking and groaning more than we've ever heard. We are back on hot meals, although they are on the light side. There is a certain point of sail that is quite uncomfortable and noisy, and we have been on it most of the last four days.

The good news is that the whole leg from Horta has been cooler in temperature and we are no longer hot all the time. The other good news is that Rob kept us from "meeting" a ship last night. He said our paths would have crossed if he hadn't turned Remedios. At least we would have made some new friends and had a change of boat scenery. Assuming they stopped to pick us up...

The last couple nights have been completely overcast and there is no moon. That means we are sailing along in inky blackness. The first night watch, from 9 p.m. to midnight, is hard because you go blind during the watch. The middle watch is all blind and the one of us on the third watch gets to see the sky lighten and sight is restored. And, another sailing day begins!

Posted by Peggy, on behalf of Pat, Rob and Tom, aboard Remedios, Atlantic Ocean

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