Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We Caught a Fish!

First fish of the trip!

We were under sail with the spinnaker up, going about four knots.We were using an artificial squid lure and had the line out maybe 30 yards. Pat was starting to cook dinner, although he had not yet opened the can of chicken when the clicks started as the line ran out. I went to the pole to see what was happening; Pat got the gaff hook. We brought in a 10 to 15 pound dorado (mahi mahi).

We pulled it in without incident and Pat gaffed it onto the deck where we quickly dispatched it. Dr. Courneya did the surgery and we had mahi-mahi for dinner with rice and the last of our fresh vegetables from Portugal - broccoli. It was a neat cap to a wonderful day!

We have had good sailing so far - scooting along doing about five knots in eight knots of wind - excellent for a boat like this. This morning, as we sat in the cockpit, Pat said this is what he thought it was going to be like all the time; yet coming over, we didn't really have one day like this. I said if he could guarantee this weather I would agree to head for South America and round Cape Horn and we could then ship the boat home from San Diego sometime about nine months from now...  ha ha!

Posted by Peggy, on behalf of Pat and Tom, aboard Remedios, Atlantic Ocean

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I believe this one. Did anyone notice there is no picture to support the "big fish story?" I think they may have been making this up to make Rob's head sore and to justify the fancy fishing gear they took along.

    Good work, Pat and Tom. Bon Appetite! Di
