Monday, November 15, 2010

On the Ocean - Going Well!

A message from our sailors:

Today was a pretty good day, although the boat and sails needed constant tending. We had a lot of wind shifts that we had to deal with - nothing major but it means having to have one of us in the cockpit all the time and paying attention. We were going to watch a movie on the portable DVD player late this afternoon, yet decided not to since we don't want to sit below in the cabin for extended periods because the wind, although steady, keeps changing direction.

The temp is maybe 70 in the day and maybe 60 at night. We thought it would be warmer, yet what we have is certainly nice.

Partly cloudy skies, some periodic rain and wind squalls, but the rain is so light that it doesn't even wash the deck. Fortunately we don't have near as many waves smacking us as on the way over so we are not totally salt encrusted everywhere on the boat.

We saw two ships today. One was a buoy tender that came within one mile of us! It was fun to see something that close. The other was a freighter, we think headed for South America. It came within three miles of us. Big day with those sightings, yet no dolphins or other sea wildlife yet.

Every day at noon we measure the distance to Port Saint Lucie, FL where we are heading - today it’s 3,139 nautical miles to go.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Posted by Peggy, on behalf of Tom and Pat, aboard Remedios, Atlantic Ocean

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