Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello - Mo-Town!

This morning we left Lake Huron behind after sailing all night. We are now in the St. Clair River on the way to Detroit. Some of the surroundings are pretty and life on the river looks pretty nice.

And, since I didn't post this yesterday because it got really really wavy here is a photo of us leaving Detroit at 7 AM Jun 23.

And speaking of wavy - what a difference a week makes. The waves yesterday would have had me over the rail heaving but after some acclimation time now I just holler up "Can't you miss a few of these once in a while? I'm working down here!"

It doesn't make any difference, but it makes me feel better.

We took an anonymous poll of the Remedios crew and learned the following:

What do you miss most?
                    Intelligent conversation
                    Cold beer
                    Well, beer of any kind, really
                    A bed on solid ground
                    Anything on solid ground

If you won the lottery, what one thing would you buy?
                    A plane ticket to France

How will you know when you three have totally bonded?
                     When the three of us share one pee bottle

1 comment:

  1. since i have a blog and it sucks when no one comments, allow me. first: we love the blog. second: we love spot adventures. third: if you ever again post about sharing a pee bottle my boys will be banned from your blog. they already think it is fantastic to pee in the toilet at the same time (i'm gonna pop your bubbles!)...thanks a lot for up-ing my misery.
