This is a weird craft. We couldn't figure out what it was, where it was going, or what for, or really anything at all. No names, no markings, only two visible crew. I'm glad we didn't see this at night or it would have looked like a ghost ship.
This boat was BIG and left a wake big enough to wash over our deck (and into Pat's cabin because someone left the hatch open) A low point in the trip was when Pat radioed this boat and offered to sell Tom and Rob into boat slavery in exchange for dry sheets. And he didn't even specify high thread count pima cotton sheets. Just sheets.

Here is more of life along the river.

Here is what the Canadian side looks like right in downtown Detroit. They have casinos, cold beer, gambling, shows - the works! Pat wouldn't stop.

Here is the American side at Detroit. We even have a monorail!

These large freighters leave almost no wake. We used to be afraid to get too close to these guys. But the channel is so narrow in some places that we have no choice and now we are totally blase' about being 20 yards from something this big. I tried to take a picture of this boat when it was closer but it was so big all you could see was a big wall of rusty steel.
Some years ago my son was gifted the novel "Treasure Island". We read it over a course of evenings before bedtime. The characters in that novel - Young Jim, the Good Doctor Livsey, Long John Silver - all came to life during our nightly reading. The colorful language, the adventure..... All of this seems very similar, except the characters are not quite the same, and the treasure is different. And they talked like pirates.... Come to think of it, the story is not similar at all. What IS similar is my anticipation of each chapter as it unfolds. Thanks for the blog, be safe, enjoy the journey, and keep up the great work.